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Buying and owning a reusable water bottle is a key first step into a sustainable and healthy life. The idea is you can carry it everywhere you go and handle it in a way to be a durable product.
Below we will like to show some tops recommendations to care about your reusable water bottle:
- Daily cleaning – Ensure to wash your water bottle after each use to avoid any kind of bacteria growing inside it and a good smell.
- Wash all bottle elements - Our bottles are compounds of 3 elements: the lid, the carry loop, and the base. Wash and rinse every element separately for a better clean.
- Use a dishwasher weekly – For a deeper cleaning make sure to put your reusable bottle water into a dishwasher almost once a week. Metal water bottle may support up to 60 Celsius grades and it will plenty secure with your dishwashing machine.
- Freezer damage – Please avoid to set your bottle inside the fridge and leave there, it will cause damage in the insolation layers and possible deformation. Our bottles are designed to keep the temperature inside it, so you no need to fridge them.
- Avoid leakage – Our bottles have 1 gasket that helps you to softly seal the lid of the bottle and prevent leaks. Make sure that you are closing the bottle with the proper pressure.
- Completely empty it – To prevent corrosion in the interior or any kind of mold, throw out any missing liquid that may be kept there.
- No bleach use – Avoid using bleach or any kind of strong disinfectant, they are not appropriate for human beings. Any possible trace found inside the bottle can be potentially harmful.
Remember that any time you buy a bottle from us, you are making a direct contribution and funding the collection 1000 ocean-bound plastic bottles before they enter the ocean.
You can purchase here, together we can make a great impact in the planet.
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- Free-plastic product for you and the planet
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