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- North Atlantic Microplastic Concentrations may be for marine life with sooner mediation. Latest research advises about levels of microplastic contamination in the North Atlantic waters. High plastic concentration areas have become too risky for marine living things.
- The investigation disclosed a proportionate affluence of plastic and plankton in the water in the eastern coast and also contribute with a guideline to examine the vulnerability of marine creatures to plastic pollution.
- Eradication of floating plastic waste items averts the creation of secondary microplastic, boosting the changes to maintain future pollution under safe concentration.
Safeguarding marine life is a core value and key in the mission to get plastic trash out of the ocean. Research conducted by Ocean Cleanup scientists spotlights the synergy between microplastics and the life of the ocean's deeper water creatures.
The existence of microplastics in ocean water demonstrates that affection from pollution to the deepest waters is eventually inevitable. Investigation results remark that without the removal of floating plastic sooner, pollution levels will exceed safe ones for life in deeper waters. Despite that, the significance of contamination and the linked associated ecological risk is still softly understood.
To close that awareness, The Ocean Cleanup team joined with the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research started a research expedition at the year 2020 in the North Atlantic Garbage Patch (also known as Great Pacific Garbage Patch).
Expedition made in upper 300 m disclosed that concentrations of plastic were higher on the ocean surface than in the depths. That pollution concentration decreased significantly in the upper few meters of the water. However, Scientifics discovered that plankton in those areas with high pollution was generally more vulnerable to contamination that the plankton in more coastal ecosystems.
Another huge discovery from the investigation was that small microplastics (those smaller than 100 microns (μm) and equal to 0.01mm) were found ten million times more abundant than larger microplastics (with a size of over 500 microns). This microplastic concentration is reaching the limit of a safe water concentration for the deepest sea species. Therefore, this is definitely a new that needs to be taken into consideration due to the repercussions it will have on Marine Life around the Garbage path.
Beyond to the aforementioned, there is a good new: the majority of the floating plastic is still enclosed at the ocean surface, and this is an advantage for the cleaning process because it makes it more economical and easier.
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