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The Mobula Ray is a type of ray found in tropical and subtropical coastal waters around the world. It is characterized by its large size and distinctive "fin-flapping" behavior. Mobula rays use their pectoral fins to propel themselves through the water and are known for their acrobatics and powerful jumps.
Mobula rays are large, flat-bodied rays with rounded, diamond-shaped pectoral fins. They have long, pointed snouts and a distinctive, horn-shaped cephalic fin on their head. They have a dark back and pale underside, and some species may have spots or stripes.
They can grow to be up to 6.5 feet in length and can weigh up to 500 pounds. They are strong swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 25 mph. They have a unique ability to leap out of the water and can reach heights of up to 9 feet. They use their cephalic fins to trap prey and to stir up the water and bring small animals to the surface for easy feeding. They are also capable of filter-feeding on plankton and small fish.
They are often seen feeding in large groups and can be seen eating on a bunch of small fish, squid, and crustaceans. They are also known to feed on jellyfish, mollusks, and other invertebrates.

Mobula rays are highly migratory, making long-distance journeys each year depending on the season. They typically migrate from tropical to temperate waters and back again. They travel in large groups sometimes numbering in the thousands. Due to its size and beauty, Mobula Rays are popular among divers and snorkelers. They are also a popular subject for underwater photography, due to their graceful swimming and fin-flapping behavior. Furthermore, they have been observed in waters around the world, including the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
Mobula rays are threatened by overfishing, bycatch, and habitat destruction, however, according to IUCN for now the are just listed as Near Threatened. Many countries have taken steps to protect these animals through conservation measures, such as establishing marine protected areas. It is important to continue to monitor populations and take strides to protect these animals and their habitats. MALDIVIAN MANTA RAY PROJECT is one of the main projects that is actively working to protect them.
Mobula can be aggressive with humans?
No, Mobula rays are generally shy, gentle creatures and do not pose a threat to humans. They are not predators in nature and do not even have aggressive behavior.
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