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More water is depleted while the Colombian population becomes bigger and progressively industrialized. Paramos, rivers, and forest has been increasingly polluting due to unrestricted agricultural and cattle activities.
Giving financial support to landholders to foster restoration, conservation, and sustainable cultivation practices seems to be a better idea than simply paying for the expensive cost of filtrate and hygiene of the water for consumption. The intention goes to clean the water at the source, ensuring an adequate provision for the final consumer.
An organization called The Nature Conservancy is helping Colombian communities to safeguard their ecological water heritage. They are making an effort to foster innovative practices and policies related to water protection with the implementation of their Latin America Water Funds Partnership. Their alliances with the different societal actors (small communities, government, industry, and indigenous) watch over a sustainable development with minimal impact on land and water.

Since ecological protection hadn't been a priority for the Colombian government over the years, many Colombian natural ecosystems need financial resources for their preservation. An example of that is the Chingaza National Park. This beautiful paramos landscape is the home of big monks (you probably may hear about it by the infant song ‘Frailejon Ernesto Perez’) and other amazing diversity, such as golden eagles, condors, and bears. It also provides most of the water consumed in Bogota, the capital country. However, this habitat is now under pressure due to the growing human activity in deforestation, agriculture, land use, and in general, climate change.

The aforementioned organization has contributed to protecting water origin points from Santa Marta, Cartagena, Cucuta, Cali, Ciénaga, Medellin, Cali, and Bogota; helping around 16 million water consumers in Colombia. According to them, the idea was first implemented in Latin America and now is all over the world.
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